Javier Vadell apresenta o artigo “The Chinese South-South development cooperation: an assessment of its structural transformation”

Javier Vadell, professor da Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais – PUC-Minas, apresenta o artigo “The Chinese South-South development cooperation: an assessment of its structural transformation”, escrito em co-autoria com Giuseppe Lo Brutto e Alexandre Cesar Cunha Leite, publicado na edição especial “International Development Cooperation and Multipolarity”, número 2/2020 (Volume 63 – No. 1 –Continuar lendo “Javier Vadell apresenta o artigo “The Chinese South-South development cooperation: an assessment of its structural transformation””

Lorena Lamas presents the article “International Organizations diffusion in South-South Cooperation dynamics. Notes on the Uruguayan case in the 21st Century”

Lorena Lamas, researcher at the National University of Rosario (Argentina) presents the article “International Organizations diffusion in South-South Cooperation dynamics. Notes on the Uruguayan case in the 21st Century” co-authred with Carla Morasso (also a researcher at the researcher at the National University of Rosario). The article was published in the special issue of RevistaContinuar lendo “Lorena Lamas presents the article “International Organizations diffusion in South-South Cooperation dynamics. Notes on the Uruguayan case in the 21st Century””

Geovana Zoccal presents the article “Sharing responsibility: jeopardised multilateralism and the growing centrality of Triangular Cooperation”

Geovana Zoccal (researcher at the BRICS Policy Center – LACID, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil) presents the article “Sharing responsibility: jeopardised multilateralism and the growing centrality of Triangular Cooperation“, published in the special issue of Revista Brasileira de Política Internacional – RBPI entitled “International Development Cooperation and Multipolarity: Scrambling North and South?” (Volume 63 –Continuar lendo “Geovana Zoccal presents the article “Sharing responsibility: jeopardised multilateralism and the growing centrality of Triangular Cooperation””

Development Finance with Chinese Characteristics: Financing the Belt and Road Initiative – an interview with Hongsong Liu, Yue Xu, and Xinzhu Fan, by  Paulo Menechelli Filho  

The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has been one of China’s most prominent foreign policy efforts in recent years. According to Professors Hongsong Liu (Shanghai Jiaotong University), Yue Xu (University of Shanghai for Science and Technology), and Xinzhu Fan (Shanghai International Studies University), the BRI is clearly aimed at international development and designed to jointly build a regional economic cooperation frameworkContinuar lendo “Development Finance with Chinese Characteristics: Financing the Belt and Road Initiative – an interview with Hongsong Liu, Yue Xu, and Xinzhu Fan, by  Paulo Menechelli Filho  “

Sharing responsibility: jeopardised multilateralism and the growing centrality of Triangular Cooperation, entrevista com Geovana Zoccal, por Mila Campbell 

No artigo “Sharing responsibility: jeopardised multilateralism and the growing centrality of Triangular Cooperation”  publicado na Revista Brasileira de Política Internacional – RBPI (Vol. 63, n. 2 – 2020), Geovana Zoccal, Doutora em Relações Internacionais pela PUC-RJ, discute o papel central da Cooperação Triangular na implementação da Agenda 2030 ao incentivar parcerias e o compartilhamento deContinuar lendo “Sharing responsibility: jeopardised multilateralism and the growing centrality of Triangular Cooperation, entrevista com Geovana Zoccal, por Mila Campbell “

Enlarging the donor base: an analysis of the World Food Programme’s reform process and the Brazilian bridge diplomacy, uma entrevista com Thiago Lima e Jenifer Santana, por Yasmin Paes

O artigo recém publicado no Vol. 63, n. 2 da Revista Brasileira de Política Internacional é intitulado Enlarging the donor base: an analysis of the World Food Programme’s reform process and the Brazilian bridge diplomacy”. A pesquisa avalia como a reforma no Programa Mundial de Alimentos (WFP) levou a um aumento da sua base de doadores ao permitir que doadores não-tradicionaisContinuar lendo “Enlarging the donor base: an analysis of the World Food Programme’s reform process and the Brazilian bridge diplomacy, uma entrevista com Thiago Lima e Jenifer Santana, por Yasmin Paes”

The aid business is broken beyond repair? by Izabele Bellini

Through the last century, the aid business has assumed different forms and different results. Today, when it is claimed that the aid business is broken beyond repair, the premise that aid does not work should be carefully analysed. Although many examples suggest failure, there are also many cases worldwide demonstrating the contrary:  international aid reallyContinuar lendo “The aid business is broken beyond repair? by Izabele Bellini”

Principais características da experiência espanhola e italiana de planejamento regional e aspectos que podem servir de aprendizado para o Brasil, por Antonio Gil da Costa Júnior e Carlos Eduardo de Mira Costa

Nas relações internacionais, o tema cooperação internacional para o desenvolvimento implica considerar as vertentes: troca de experiências (informações e cooperação técnica), a financeira e a científico-tecnológica (MIRANDA, 2004). O presente artigo focará na primeira, abordando as principais características da experiência de Espanha e Itália com relação ao planejamento regional e fazendo alguns apontamentos que podemContinuar lendo “Principais características da experiência espanhola e italiana de planejamento regional e aspectos que podem servir de aprendizado para o Brasil, por Antonio Gil da Costa Júnior e Carlos Eduardo de Mira Costa”